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" The jews are the peoples who were living in Islamic countries and nations since when the other nations and peoples hated them, the Roman and Christian persecuted them, The jews were not allowed to enter into the city of Jerusalem in the Roman and later in the Christian Era, but it were muslims who allowed them in Jerusalem, The II nd Caliph Hz. Umar Bin Khattab (RA) and Sultan Salahoddin Ayyubi allowed them to worship in jerusalem, Hz. Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA) gave them autonomy in Iraq, and the Jews were living a prosperous life in the islamic Empire, the turks treated them with nicely, and the Jews flourished in Islamic era, they learned science, medicine, engineering in Islamic Era only, but at last in the beginning of 20 th century Muslims and Jews became victims of the British conspiracy and Muslims started hating them for the small piece of land".
The Land which According to Quran, "was for the Jews".
Perhaps This is One of the the biggest mistake of Muslims.
The peoples who had persecuted the jews since millenia became their friends, took hold of their scientific knowledge, developed atomic energy from the scientific research of jewish scientists, and the peoples who had given the jews shelter for one thousand years in islamic countries became their enemies, this is the biggest conspiracy against muslims and jews together.
The British and the Americans and their European allies identified the jewish scientists very early and sided with them covertly and sowed the seed of hatred in the hearts of these two children of Abraham.
The peoples who helped and sheltered the helpless Jews for complete one thousand years in Islamic Empire and the Jews who lived in the Islamic countries fell prey to the satanic conspiracy, now Arab muslims and Israeli Jews are fighting each other because they both have same DNA and brains, they could not realize the conspiracy behind this sown hatred, the Jewish scientific knowledge has been Stolen and looted by the satanic European allies, and the allies realized the fact, that if muslims and jews who had been favoured and obliged by the muslims became friends then the new atomic knowledge will pass to the ottoman empire and then the ottomans will once again become invincible.
After the renaissance, the Europeans found huge continents, Americas and Australia, New zealand and Hundreds more lands and 90% of islands of the world, but the fight is only for a small land just like a small island in area.
But muslims and Jews both did not realize the satanic conspiracy and for a piece of land both parties became enemies of each other, they both forgot the attachments, the jews had never seen any land since millenia, so they became obsessed even for a very small piece of land and the muslims on the other hand think at that time that the British are the real friends of Muslims and Islam.
The peoples who Sheltered in difficult times became enemy and those peoples who persecuted the Jews, stollen the Fruits of science and technology from the hands of the jews.
The jews, on the other hand became happy with a worn out and small piece of land, the example of the jews is just like an infant who becomes quiet when somebody inserts a honey nipple (Pacifier) in his mouth.
And this mistake of Muslims is now became Nasoor of Ummate Rasool Allah (SM), this mistake is the root cause of every cause and problem of muslims, the British sowed a poisonous seed in the hearts of Jews & Muslims, and now every blame of terrorism and every bad thing is the result of this poisonous seed or its germination."
Now every act of terrorism and every bad thing is created by the enemies of Islam and blamed on muslims, because muslims and jews are enemies, so they can do it.
The present time is not for hatred and enemity, but the present time is to realize the conspiracy and the present time is for peace and justice.
We must forgive each other and we must remember the favors and we must live with wise thinking and in friendship and with confidence.
Now we must realize it, and we must understand it.
Engg. Ishrat Hussain Mohammad.
Brother Harun Yahya Adnan Okhtar with jewish Rabbi
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" The jews are the peoples who were living in Islamic countries and nations since when the other nations and peoples hated them, the Roman and Christian persecuted them, The jews were not allowed to enter into the city of Jerusalem in the Roman and later in the Christian Era, but it were muslims who allowed them in Jerusalem, The II nd Caliph Hz. Umar Bin Khattab (RA) and Sultan Salahoddin Ayyubi allowed them to worship in jerusalem, Hz. Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA) gave them autonomy in Iraq, and the Jews were living a prosperous life in the islamic Empire, the turks treated them with nicely, and the Jews flourished in Islamic era, they learned science, medicine, engineering in Islamic Era only, but at last in the beginning of 20 th century Muslims and Jews became victims of the British conspiracy and Muslims started hating them for the small piece of land".
The Land which According to Quran, "was for the Jews".
Perhaps This is One of the the biggest mistake of Muslims.
The peoples who had persecuted the jews since millenia became their friends, took hold of their scientific knowledge, developed atomic energy from the scientific research of jewish scientists, and the peoples who had given the jews shelter for one thousand years in islamic countries became their enemies, this is the biggest conspiracy against muslims and jews together.
The British and the Americans and their European allies identified the jewish scientists very early and sided with them covertly and sowed the seed of hatred in the hearts of these two children of Abraham.
The peoples who helped and sheltered the helpless Jews for complete one thousand years in Islamic Empire and the Jews who lived in the Islamic countries fell prey to the satanic conspiracy, now Arab muslims and Israeli Jews are fighting each other because they both have same DNA and brains, they could not realize the conspiracy behind this sown hatred, the Jewish scientific knowledge has been Stolen and looted by the satanic European allies, and the allies realized the fact, that if muslims and jews who had been favoured and obliged by the muslims became friends then the new atomic knowledge will pass to the ottoman empire and then the ottomans will once again become invincible.
After the renaissance, the Europeans found huge continents, Americas and Australia, New zealand and Hundreds more lands and 90% of islands of the world, but the fight is only for a small land just like a small island in area.
But muslims and Jews both did not realize the satanic conspiracy and for a piece of land both parties became enemies of each other, they both forgot the attachments, the jews had never seen any land since millenia, so they became obsessed even for a very small piece of land and the muslims on the other hand think at that time that the British are the real friends of Muslims and Islam.
The jews, on the other hand became happy with a worn out and small piece of land, the example of the jews is just like an infant who becomes quiet when somebody inserts a honey nipple (Pacifier) in his mouth.
And this mistake of Muslims is now became Nasoor of Ummate Rasool Allah (SM), this mistake is the root cause of every cause and problem of muslims, the British sowed a poisonous seed in the hearts of Jews & Muslims, and now every blame of terrorism and every bad thing is the result of this poisonous seed or its germination."
Now every act of terrorism and every bad thing is created by the enemies of Islam and blamed on muslims, because muslims and jews are enemies, so they can do it.
The present time is not for hatred and enemity, but the present time is to realize the conspiracy and the present time is for peace and justice.
We must forgive each other and we must remember the favors and we must live with wise thinking and in friendship and with confidence.
Now we must realize it, and we must understand it.
Engg. Ishrat Hussain Mohammad.
ھمکو ساری دنیا کے لوگ بیوخوف بنا رھے ھیں ، اسمیں انکے بڑے فائدے ھیں ، یہ دنیا کا
دستور ھے که طاقتور کمزوروں کے ملک پر انکی زمین جائدادوں پر قبضہ کرلیتا ھے
اور کمزور اور مغلوب قوم راستے سے ہٹ جاتی ھے
اس شکست میں اور اس ھار مان جانے والی صفت میں انسان کی بقا کا راز چھپا ھے
یه مغلوب قوم کھین اور جگه عزت اور سکون سے زندگی گزارتی ھے ، اور وقت کو بدلتے
دیر نھیں لگتی ، انکو بھی کبھی نہ کبھی غالب بننے کا موقع
مل ھی جاتا ھے
کل جب ھم فتوحات کرتے کرتے مشرق سے مغرب تک اور شمال سے جنوب تک جا پہونچے
تھے تو اس وقت دنیا کی ھر قوم ھم سے مغلوب ھو کر ، ھار مان کے ، اپنے ملک اور
زمین جائداد کو ھمارے حوالے کرکے پر سکون زندگی گزارتی رھی
ھم بھی کبھی فلسطین پر حاکم تھے
تو اب جب که ھم کمزور اور مغلوب ھیں ، تو کیا ھم اپنی شکست قبول کرکے
با عزت زندگی گزار نھیں سکتے ، ضرور گزار سکتے ھیں
میں آپکی فکر کو منفی نھیں بنا رھا ھوں ، بلکه منفی حالات میں
بھی مثبت راھوں کی نشاندھی کر رھا ھوں
بھی مثبت راھوں کی نشاندھی کر رھا ھوں
سونچ کے ساتھہ عمل کی بھی ضرورت ھے ، اپنی اوقعات کو نہ بھولو
مگر دنیا کی سب سے زیادہ بیخوف اور نا لائق قوم ھم ھیں ، ھم کیوں نھیں قبول کرتے
که ھم کمزور ھیں ، روز بے گناہ فلسطینی مارے جاتے ھیں ، پوری نسل ھی ختم
ھوچکی ھے ، اور ھمکو لڑا نے والوں کو اس سے فائدہ ھے
ھمارا پوری دنیا میں ایک بھی مخلص لیڈر نھیں ھے جو اس جھگڑے کو بند
کرا سکے
ھمارے دشمن ھمکو مصروف رکھنا چاھتے ھیں
کبھی اسرائیل سے تو کبھی کسی اور سے ، یا همیں آپس میں ھی
فرقه بازی میں شیعوں سُننیوں کی خرافات میں لڑا تے رھتے ھیں
دوسری قوموں کی طرح ھم کو بھی اپنی شکست قبول کرکے پر سکون
زندگی گزارنی چاھیے
کل دوسری تمام قومیں ھماری غلام تھیں ، آج ھم انکے
یھ ھی دنیا کا دستور ھے ، انھوں نے بھی اپنا ملک اپنی حکومت کھوئی تھی
اس وقت انکی زمین کے ھم مالک تھے ، آج الله نے انھیں بنایا ھے
تو ھمیں اعترا ض کیوں ؟
فلسطین میں مرتا ھوا ایک بچّھ
اگر ھم بھی بیسویں صدی کے ابتدا میں اسرائیل کو قبول کرکے دوستانہ تعلقات قائم
کرکے رھتے تو آج دنیا کی تاریخ ھی مختلف ھوتی
ھم کو پر امن طریقے سے دین کی تبلیغ کا موقع ملتا ، ھم پر ٹیررسٹ
ھونے کا الزام بھی نہ لگتا
اور نا ھم پر روز ایک نئی آفت مسلط کی جاتی
ھم مظلوم بن کر اسلام کی تبلیغ کرتے رھتے تو آج دنیا کا ایک ایک فرد مسلمان ھوتا
ھماری تاریخ میں اس سے پہلے ایسا ھو چکا ھے
تاتاریوں نے تیرھویں صدی عیسوی میں پوری مسلم دنیا کو تھس نھس کردیا تھا
ھم بے بس ھوگئے تھے ، ھماری تبلیغ کی وجھہ سے ان تاتاری درندوں نے اسلام
قبول کیا ، اور ایک بار پھر دنیا میں اسلام کا غلبہ ھوگیا
ھم اپنی تاریخ سے تو سیکھتے نھیں ھیں ، مگر یھودیوں نے
ھماری تاریخ سے بہت اچّھا سبق سیکھا
ھٹلر کے مظالم کا بھانا بنا کر ، دنیا میں خود کو مظلوم بنا کے پیش کیا
ھمارے مسائل تو حل ھو نھیں رھے ، ھماری زمینیں برابر کم ھوتی
جا رھیں ھیں ، انڈونیسیہ کے ایسٹ ٹیمور اور سوڈان کے جنوبی حصّے پر غیر قابض ھو چکے
آدھی دنیا کی زمین ھمارے ملکوں میں ھے ، کیا فلسطینیوں کو
جنوبی سوڈان میں بسایا نھیں جا سکتا تھا ، اسطرح ھم سوڈان کی غیروں میں
تقسیم کو روک سکتے تھے ، مگر
ھم ھیں ھی بے وخوف ، اور ھمارے حکمران دشمنوں کے ایجنٹ ھیں
ھم نا لائق بھی ھیں ، تبھی الله نے اپنی دنیا کا کاروبار ھم سے چھین کر
دوسرے لوگوں کو عطا کیا ھے
میں آپکی فکر کو منفی نھیں بنا رھا ھوں بلکھ ایک مثبت طریقے سے ایک مشکل کا حقیقی حل بتا رھا ھوں
Salam Alaykum,
ReplyDeleteIshrat Bhai, I appreciate your feelings and I have noticed that more and more muslims are thinking in this direction now.
" I agree totally with you, and I too wish that there should be a Jewish muslim unity and cooperation in future.
and as per your article, if we muslims especially the ottoman turk caliph Abdul Hameed ii, had taken wise decision in 1920 and had gifted the land of Palestine to the Jews, while keeping the Jerusalem in Muslim possession, then not only today the Jews were highly obliged to the muslims but they might have worked in all Muslim countries establishing factories and mines and hi tech businesses, turning Islamic countries into a science and technology hub of the world by their knowledge and technology, even the europe might have remained behind the Islamic world, as the same Jews had worked in Muslim spain and in the Abbassid Baghdad, turning them the pioneers of the world knowledge.
But unfortunately this did not happened, or the Muslims did not took wise decisions and wasted the chances, or fell prey to the rivals conspiracies.
The oil rich muslim world might have had proved once again the pioneer in the modern science and technology."
I hope there will be overwhelming jewish muslim unity and cooperation in the near future.
One thing to which the opponents of Islam use to create rift between jews and muslims is the Hadiths regarding the end time Jew killing by Muslims, but in my opinion these type of hadiths and the treatments with the jewish communities in the time of our Prophet (SAW) are now no more applicable, as the treatment of the Prophet SAW with that Jewish community was up to that community only, and it was not against all Jewish peoples of the world, it was only for that particular jewish community which had betrayed the Prophet at that time, and now it is not applicable to any jew. According to Islam no community is guilty by birth, it is the deeds of the individual to which God will reward or punish.
and the End time hadith is also not for all Jews, it is for any small community which will be at war with muslims in the end time battles, the peaceful jews will be excluded from this. this is what I understood, if the end time hadith is true, and if it is not true, then there is no reason to worry about.
And one more thing (Misconception) which I want to clarify about the persecution of Jews under muslim countries, all the enemies of Islam spreading this misconception, I want to clarify that, "The jews were comparatively more safe and comfortable in muslim countries throughout history", the muslim kings and rulers who persecuted the jews, persecuted the various muslim sects equally, and more muslim sects died and persecuted than Jews ever, the muslim rulers persecuted and killed thousands of times more muslims than Jews". this fact is neigther mentioned nor highlighted by enemy propaganda.
Walekum aasalam, Jazakallah Khair, please do keep reading.
DeleteI think it was better if you had posted the Nohaich laws,
ReplyDeleteThe Seven Laws of Noah are,
1. Prohibition of idolatry: You shall not have any idols or false deities.
2. Prohibition of blasphemy: You shall not curse the name of God.
3. Prohibition of murder: You shall not murder.
4. Prohibition of theft: You shall not steal.
5. Prohibition of adultery: You shall not commit adultery.
6. Prohibition of cruelty towards animals: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.
7. Requirement to have just laws: Set up a governing body of justice (e.g. courts)
ReplyDeleteAll these seven Noahich laws are these essence of righteousness, and the seventh law is supreme as it is assurance of peace and justice in the society
thanx for posting this informative post